Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Session 27 Discussion.

Here's an entry for you to write comments about last Sunday's session (27), On the Mountain.

Since I was especially interested in getting us to re-examine the transfiguration and how it enlarges our view of reality, you may want to talk more about other aspects of this incident. Some ideas are:
  • the significance of Moses and Elijah's presence and their departure
  • the cloud
  • the idea of Jesus' work in Jerusalem as an exodus
  • or ...
You can make a comment below, or comment on what others have said.


  1. Here's a test comment.
    - jim

  2. I am signing up to be "anonymous" but I am not really--it's the only one that would accept me. Woe to my lack of technological understanding! Anyway this is a test, too, to see if I can get this response to the blog off the ground. Anonymously, Sandra
