Saturday, January 25, 2014

52 Readings -- What do you want to say?

Here's a spot for any comments on the first 2 or 3 sessions of our new study -- 52 readings.

What do you want to say?


  1. Adrian Rogers shared some interesting observations about Genesis 3:1-4. He called them "Satan's 4 spiritual flaws"
    Flaw #1 (verse-1) to despise God's goodness and to think negatively about God.
    Flaw #2 (verse-4) to deny God's truthfulness and think skeptically about Him
    Flaw #3 (verse-4) to defy God's righteousness and to think carelessly about God.
    Flaw #4 Satan despises God's greatness and wants you to think suspiciously about God.
    I have reviewed this often and it has helped me think more clearly about the temptations that come my way. It is all about God. Sandra

  2. Thanks Sandra. Dr. Rogers had a real gift for alliteration. In class, we identified the serpent's "technique" as: 1) he questioned God's word; 2) he distorted God's word; 3)he contradicted God's word; 4) he held out the promise of reward to replace consequence. And someone pointed out ... Eve's response exaggerated God's boundary even while she corrected the serpent.

    Thanks for posting ... see you Sunday, God willing. -- jim
