Monday, June 24, 2013

Session 29 Discussion.

Here's an entry for you to write comments about last Sunday's session (29), At the Cross.

If you weren't at class, and want to share some of your own thoughts with the group, add a comment to this post.

Or, if you were at class, and want to reflect further on all that we discussed, add a comment to this post.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Session 28 Discussion.

Here's an entry for you to write comments about last Sunday's session (28), At the Last Supper.

If you weren't at class, and want to share some of your own thoughts with the group, add a comment to this post.

Or, if you were at class, and want to reflect further on the sacred rhythm Jesus put into place at the Passover meal, add a comment to this post.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Session 27 Discussion.

Here's an entry for you to write comments about last Sunday's session (27), On the Mountain.

Since I was especially interested in getting us to re-examine the transfiguration and how it enlarges our view of reality, you may want to talk more about other aspects of this incident. Some ideas are:
  • the significance of Moses and Elijah's presence and their departure
  • the cloud
  • the idea of Jesus' work in Jerusalem as an exodus
  • or ...
You can make a comment below, or comment on what others have said.